Feeling dejected because your insurance cover got rejected? It’s never a lost battle! More often than not, a claim is rejected due to non disclosure of pre-existing conditions. People with pre-existing conditions have to pay a higher premium for coverage, which is why some agents encourage policyholders to not disclose such diseases. However, don’t fall into this trap. It’s of the utmost importance to be honest on your application even if you have poor health or a risky hobby. If you don’t enclose information correctly your claim is bound to be rejected. We can understand all the reasons and help you get the cover you need by correct documentation with the company.

First, understand the reasons why your insurance claim was rejected and talk to us to learn what options are available to you. From there, you will have to wait a certain period before we open all available options and process your case for re-evaluation. Even if your insurance claim was flat-out rejected, we will help you challenge the claim and help you get the samadhan you needed!